MANGA: Search and Destroy by Atsushi Kaneko, Now Available for Pre-Order

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that the manga SEARCH AND DESTROY by Atsushi Kaneko, based on the manga Dororo by Osamu Tezuka, will be coming to print this spring from Fantagraphics Books! The title is now available for pre-order at better comic and book stores:
Fantagraphics | | Barnes & Noble | Indigo | WHSmith | Books-A-Million
Search and Destroy is the second print project from Mangasplaining’s spin-off project, Mangasplaining Extra, and we’re so excited to share this work with you. It’s definitely got a different style and visual flare than most manga on the racks today, and the story is an intensely gripping action comic that digs into ideas of autonomy, humanity, and a right to life, firmly in the style of Tezuka’s vast oeuvre. Translated by Ben Applegate, Lettered by Phil Christie, and edited by Christopher Woodrow-Butcher, you can read the whole first chapter of Search and Destroy for free at
We’re currently just finishing up the serialization of book two, and book three will start in a few months. For now, please enjoy this gallery of amazing pages from the first book. Thank you as always for your support of the podcast and our work in publishing. – Christopher