Tagged: seinen


Ep. 64: Blue Giant Volume 5-6, by Shinichi Ishizuka

This week the team dives into their very first music manga, the jazz odyssey that is Blue Giant, by Shinichi Ishizuka! They’re also reading their first-ever series where they don’t start from the first volume, instead they’re diving straight into volume five! Does it work? Does any of it work?...


Ep.56: The Best Books (for New Readers) of Season One

Tired of “balanced” reviews pointing out strengths and weaknesses of a title? Just want to know what manga you should ACTUALLY read?! Well, this week the full Mangasplaining crew picks their “best manga for folks who haven’t read much manga before” from the first season of Mangasplaining. These are the...


Ep. 54: Interview with Ken Niimura

The Mangasplaining Team’s vacation continues, but we still keep bringing you new episodes! This week it’s an interview with Spanish-Japanese manga-ka Ken Niimura, (co)creator of I Kill Giants, Henshin, Umami, and Never Open It: The Taboo Trilogy! It’s a fun look at what it takes to make manga!  Powered by...


Ep. 49: Blue Period, by Tsubasa Yamaguchi

This week on Mangasplaining, Deb leads the crew through a book that sort of sums up some of the themes of Season 2, with an autobiographically-informed piece of art about art, and a story that’s very similar to another title we talked about in a previous episode. Tsubasa Yamaguchi’s hit...


Ep. 48: The Blood Red Boy, by Minami Q-ta

This week on Mangasplaining David leads the group into our first small-press short-story, Minami Q-Ta’s The Blood Red Boy. We take a deep, deep dive into this story, and while we’d love it if you read ALL the books we cover on the podcast, since this one is just $2...