Tagged: Shonen Jump


Ep. 105: Goodbye, Eri, by Tatsuki Fujimoto

This week, the Mangasplainers go back for a TRIPLE Chip-Dip into the oeuvre of one Mr. Tatsuki Fujimoto, creator of Chainsaw Man and Look Back. Have we pushed Chip too far this episode, making him read a third title by the same person? Does liking those first two titles automatically...


Ep. 85: Chainsaw Man vol 1 by Tatsuki Fujimoto

Welcome back to Mangasplaining, the podcast where we recommend manga to folks who haven’t read much manga before! We’re kicking off Season 4, a.k.a/ episode 85, with the biggest manga out there right now, Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man Vol. 1.  Will the Mangasplaininers, Deb, David, Chris, and Chip, love this...


Ep. 41: Golden Kamuy Vol. 1, by Satoru Noda

Get ready to get rugged, as the Mangasplaining team heads north… and back in time!… to the colonization of Hokkaido, Japan at the end of the 1800s. It’s Satoru Noda’s historical, informational, action-filled, occasionally homoerotic, EPIC manga Golden Kamuy! Powered by RedCircle In this Episode:00:00 Golden Kamuy vol. 152:30 The...